I don’t have the answers…

But you do.

My Books


My name is Keva Miller and I am committed to an incredibly terrifying and messy life of learning who I am and letting that be seen.

Self mastery if you will…through everything from mental alchemy, mindfulness, metaphysics, spiritualism, religion, food etc….Don’t be intimidated, it all leads back to one place, which I’ll get to shortly.

I am a speaker, author and chef from East Point, Ga.

(I was going to write this in 3rd person, but that’s weird, I’m literally the one typing this shit.)

Anywho, I spent most of my early existence building what I knew would keep me safe, fulfill me and coast me right into a crushed velvet casket. The summer of 2013 was my dream. I finally got the pot of gold. I got the job, the money…I had completed the image of success….


And I never felt more powerless and empty in my life.


I realized every rule I used to create that movie was written and produced by everyone but me. I had no idea who I was. Well I did but it felt like a grain of rice buried in a cave inside a mountain at the bottom of an ocean on another planet possibly 100 million lightyears away.

That moment of reckoning was about the fragility of a life built on appearances. It made me realize that I had completely abandoned myself. And worse yet, the only way to true freedom and inner peace was by embracing the truths I had within and living them.

So inconvenient.

From those ashes rose my first company: FeedShine. My mission? To share the tools that helped me figure out why I came to such a frustrating planet and what I’m supposed to be doing while I’m here.

I fed people through actual food services and coupled it with motivational speaking centered on holistic living. While my first baby has been retired in terms of its original capacity, the mission remains the same: to help people free themselves from this illusionary matrix.

We CAN create lives we actually want to live.

We came here with all the equipment needed for it.  

And it’s in the one place you were taught isn’t worth looking for ALL the answers: